Sunday, July 28, 2013

Looking for the doorway to God!

Doorway to God

(from notes from Kevin DeYoung's Sermons)
Belief and Repentance are the banner over the Doorway to God.

Faith is an instrument of Life

Repentance is an Entrance to Life

Consider we are born by the will of God

There is only one way nothing else by which we come to Christ, it is through faith and repentance.

You may think this is works, faith is not a works and repentance is not a works.

No the Gospel is for all and you simply need to open two empty hands before God, the hands by which you receive the gospel.

One hand

To repent, to say, “God the way I’ve been living my life has not been working and I want your way not my way and I have nobody to blame, I can’t blame my parents ultimately, I can’t blame the system, I can’t blame my country, I can’t blame my upbringing, they’re my sins and I need your grace.

Second hand

Bring the hand of faith. I need Christ. I don’t need a wish and a prayer, I don’t need just positive thinking, I need a real Savior who really died because I have real sins, and He really rose again.

Faith and repentance are the empty hands to receive the gift of the Gospel.


to acknowledge all I lack


Faith to cling to the only one who can give you what you need.

Perhaps some of us have forgotten what a great privilege it is that you belong to the family of God. Maybe you are very far from your family, maybe far physically, maybe you feel estranged from your family, but to belong to the family of God is a greater privilege than any of us ever deserved. Maybe we’ve forgotten that, we’ve been Christians for a long time, maybe it’s been a long time since we actually repented, maybe we never said we were sorry., we mope around, we feel really bad, we wish we hadn’t done that, but to actually say,

“Oh God, I’ve sinned . I am sorry and I’ve come now to Christ, it’s been a long time for some of us and maybe some of you’ve never done that at all, you felt bad you kind of know you need something, but you’ve never repented of your sins and come to Christ the only Savior.


When you do, when those who are far off, those who are strangers and those outcast:

are brought home.

God says, ”Oh what a Joy to have you a part of my family..

My prayer:

Our Father in heaven, oh that we should call you our Father, we were lost and we were strangers, we had no right to be called your children, but you have made a way though your son in his death and resurrection, and when we turn from sin and turn to Christ you don’t just let us in you welcome us in, you take us in, you throw a party to have us, you don’t make us your servant, or slave you make us your sons and daughters, to be a part of your family to have a home here on earth and a home that will last forever!

What great Good News!

Lead us to repent.

Give us the Faith that we might know eternal life, In Jesus Name, Amen

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